domingo, octubre 08, 2006

Sleep seven hours and you are skinny
A study on the patterns of sue�e the women indicates that a good night of sue�odr�ser the way m�sencilla to stay thin. Investigaci�que occurred to know in American the Tor�ca Society in California, indicates that the women who sleep less weigh m� and in this circumstance, the diet has a paper min�sculo. In the study, the greater one made in their type, participated 70,000 women to those who them monitore� sue� the weight by per�o of 16 a� The people with the sue�igero, defined like those who they sleep five hours or except every night, ten� 32% of possibilities of experiencing an increase in its weight in comparaci�on the women who hab� slept seven hours at least First group tambi�ten�15% of probabilities of suffering of obesity. The cient�cos that made investigaci�speraban it to discover that to sleep less ocasionar�que the women ate m� But this it does not seem to be the case. The women who did not sleep less either not com� m� made less exercise, but a�n as�umentaron of compared weight to the being with those who slept m� The specialists affirmed that to sleep less to podr�disminuir the amount of calor� that are burned when wide-awake being. Investigators tambi�est�estudiando one hip�is that it suggests if people to duer to me less move less and, like result, burns less calor� The increase in the weight, by peque�ue is, can increase the risk in the health causing diseases like diabetes and hipertensi�